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Location:Hive & Colony Tyson change
Service:General Inquiry change

If you have something special in mind but not sure if we can make it. Maybe you saw a look in your favorite fashion mag, blog, or website and you would like us to create it for you. Book with us and lets discuss the options together.

Select from the following list to add a service to this appointment. cancel

  • First Time Buyer
    Get measured and have a personalized style consultation. 

  • Returning Buyer
    Welcome back! Schedule an appointment with a stylist to create another customized garment.

  • Wedding Groups
    If you're booking for your wedding party, choose this option, whether it's a first time purchase or a fitting.

  • Corporate Group
    Book a corporate group fitting for a private custom designing and fitting process. 

  • Try On Your Suit
    Your garment is ready! Come in for your first fitting and try it on. We will gladly accommodate any required adjustments.

  • Follow-up Fitting
    We've finished your alterations; come into the store and make sure it's just right.